Annual of French Studies
Issues 1958-2014 Editorial Board Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement Русская версия


Official site of the Annual of French Studies

Annual of French Studies is an international academic periodical dedicated to the history of France

Established in 1958 by the academician Vladislav Volguin

Published in 1958-1990 by the Academy of Sciences of USSR under the direction of Vladislav Volguin (1958-1962), Albert Manfred (1962-1976), Victor Dalin (ad interim 1977-1981), Vadim Zagladin (1982-1990)

Restarted by the Institute of World History of Russian Academy of Sciences in 2000

Co-publisher the Moscow Center of French-Russian Studies (from 2002).

Former co-publishers Saratov State University (2001-2007), Ural State University (2010), Center Marc Bloch of Russian State University for the Humanities (2011-2014)

Editor-in-chief - Alexander Tchoudinov


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